
Sonntag, 19. April 2009

new discovery

15 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

How interesting! The chairs made me double-take.

Marii hat gesagt…

It looks like a contemporary surealist interior. Disturbing !

Kellie Collis hat gesagt…

Beautiful chairs! The stunning blue and white chair is my favourite.

GG hat gesagt…

Your site very good and have the time to my site to look at food.

Anonym hat gesagt…

ooh love it!
x tiltumaria

Womans World Magazine hat gesagt…

Hi There!
I really enjoy your Blog! My name is Carly and I am looking for women who would like to possibly contribute to my magazine. I believe every woman has a very important message and feel that my magazine will be a platform for this if you or any other women you know would be interested in this please feel free to email me and I will be sure to get back to you!

Thanks and have a fabulous day!

Steve Evergreen hat gesagt…

what are white mush-room shaped structures? light source?

darkman hat gesagt…

Very nice indeed!

Jason hat gesagt…

great chairs

Hena Tayeb hat gesagt…

fabulously cool chairs

cocorosa hat gesagt…

your blog is so precious! I love it soooooo much! you stun me with every post! and yes Im a big big fan of Bloom, View on Color, Trend Union, Li !!! love love love it :) xoxo

mmmmmmm hat gesagt…

weird and cool.
please take a look at my artwork...

elle hat gesagt…

wow! i stumbled across and your blog and wow!

please visit my blog:


Mike hat gesagt…

These photos I liked!

Couture Bubble Toast hat gesagt…

these rooms are twisted! FABULOUS!